Smoothie Routein

Smoothie Routein

I’ve been a smoothie fiend for years now. Most mornings, I like to start my day with a fruit and veggie filled smoothie to kick start the day. I’m not very precious about them and tend to mix and match my fruits, veggies, and add on items, but regardless of what I have on hand, I always try to get into as a consistent start to the morning. 

Now that being said, I’m a consistent person. When I look at my human design chart, I have the top left arrow pointing left. This means that I’m someone who thrives on consistency. Getting into habits and routines allows my mind to feel relaxed so that I don’t have to think about certain things throughout the day.

If your top left arrow is pointing right, you might be someone who prefers to go with the flow and doesn’t need a strict routine. In fact, trying to force yourself to stay consistent with habits might actually make you feel terrible! 

Whether you're someone who craves routine, or someone who picks things up only when it feels right, the below smoothie formula won’t steer you wrong!

How I craft my morning smoothie:

  • Ripe banana
    • either half or whole - this helps make the smoothie creamy
  • Two handfuls of spinach
    • sometimes I’ll substitute one handful of spinach for kale
  • One cup of fruit - whatever I have on hand 
    • Some of my go to choices are pineapple, blueberries, cherries, peaches, apple, pear, or kiwi
  • Half a cup of additional veg - I alternate these frequently 
    • cucumber, celery, cauliflower florets
  • Water or coconut water 
    • I add about a cup, but you can add as much as you like depending on how you like your smoothie consistency. 
  • Add ons -I like to mix in a few of the below, but change them consistently
    • A couple of tablespoons of seeds - chia, flax, hemp, or pumpkin
    • A teaspoon of spirulina or a tablespoon of gelatinized maca powder
    • A few almonds, walnuts, or cashews
    • A pitted date for extra sweetness

I like to try to mix and match to get as many colors and vitamins into my morning. The key is to have fun and actually enjoy what you’re drinking! Don't be afraid to play around with different options and flavors. 

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