

Hi there, 

My name is Briana. I’m a green smoothing loving, Real Housewives watching, meditation fiend who is on a seemingly never ending journey to find a semblance of balance between the spiritual and self-care world I love and the 8-5 hustle culture in which I reside. 

For most of my life I’ve had a craving for more. More adventures, more promotions, more fun, more peace, more days spent with friends, more self-awareness, more - more - more. Never quite feeling satisfied with where I was at the moment. 

Like everyone else in the world, 2020 provided me with a massive re-set. It was during this time that I discovered human design and got more clarity around how to become the most self-actualized version of myself. 

In learning more about my human design chart, I realized that I wanted to help share human design with the people around me. It offered me so much peace and validation that I believe everyone is entitled to feeling. 

A little more about me - I’m a 5/1 Sacral Generation living in Boston, by way of Chicago, but I spent two years living in South Korea. I’m a lover of travel and of reality television. I am mildly obsessed with my morning routine which makes sense for me as someone who thrives on consistency with a top left arrow pointing left. 

I find satisfaction in learning information and helping others with the knowledge I’ve gained. So whether you’re here for recipes or human design or travel inspiration. Welcome to the Basic Beatnik where we experiment with life by living by design! 

Learn more about your unique design here. 

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