Building a Consistent Meditation Practice

Building a Consistent Meditation Practice

Human design gives us a great gift in letting us know if we are individuals that are meant to be consistent or if we are supposed to go with the flow of daily life.

For those of us who are meant to be more consistent, habit building is a wonderful way to get our brains to focus on areas of life that require more attention. 

The hardest part of building habits in life is getting into the routine of showing up. 

Getting into the routine of morning meditation was a years long process. For so long I would show up when I felt I needed the additional support but then once I was feeling more like myself I stopped making the time for it. 

What helped me lean into a daily meditation practice. was letting go of the timeframe that I thought a meditation had to be. If I didn’t have time for a 10 minute meditation, fine 5 minutes it is. If 5 minutes felt like too much of a commitment, fine, then just sit for 2 minutes. 

To me it was re-prioritizing the act of sitting down for even 120 seconds of mindfulness that made the habit easier to be consistent with. And not judging those days where I only had 2 minutes! Life gets hectic. Squeeze in those self-care moments anywhere that you can!

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