Why it’s Helpful to Learn About Your Energy Type

Why it’s Helpful to Learn About Your Energy Type

Similar to how you might know your sun sign is a sagittarius or a scorpio, your energy type is the entry point into your chart in human design.

Everyone is one of five energy types: manifestors, generators, manifesting generators, projectors and reflectors. 

Knowing your energy type allows you to understand how to best use your energy each day. It helps us to know how to interact with people or situations we come across in life, and how to handle those people or situations in ways that make us feel good instead of feeling burnt out, frustrated, angry.

It’s also about your literal energy. Are you going to bed tired and waking up feeling refreshed? If not, making decisions that are more aligned with your energy type could be something to look into. 

There’s so much information available to us in human design, but the first aspect we need to master is our energy type. 


How to Determine your Energy Type

The easiest way to learn more about your energy type is to book a human design session. If you’re not quite ready to book a full session, then you can find out your energy type when you pull up your human design chart. 

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