What is Human Design?

What is Human Design?

About Human Design

Human design is rooted in the idea of differentiation. That each of us is here to use specific talents to contribute to the world as a whole.  This system gives us tangible tools to allow us to live life fully as our authentic selves. 

For fellow spiritual junkies, human design is a system of awareness that combines aspects of astrology, Kabbalah, the I'ching, and the chakra system. 

If you're not so spiritual, then think of human design as a roadmap guiding you towards your most aligned self. 

The beauty of human design is that it gives us a road map AND tangible ways to implement this roadmap into our everyday lives. 

Tools of Human Design

  • Energy Type - The entry way into your chart - there are five energy types in human design. Knowing your energy type allows you to understand how to best use your energy each day. 
  • Strategy - Determined by your energy type, your strategy shows you how to interact with people and circumstances around you. 
  • Not Self Theme - A key sign of when you're not living in authenticity or are living out of sync with your purpose. 

  • Authority - The way that each individual can make decisions to align their everyday life with their highest self. 

  • Profile - Represents the way we present ourselves to the outside world and the way that others view us. 

  • Gates - Unique gifts that are ours to share with the world. 
  • Deconditioning - Everyday the world is telling us who we should be, how we should act, and how we should feel. Deconditioning is the process that allows us to parse through the noise and focus on the messages that are truly meant for us. 

By learning about and implementing the tools of human design, we can experiment with authenticity and alignment in our everyday lives. 

“Don’t believe a thing I tell you, try it for yourself.” - Ra Uru Hu 

Learn more about your unique design here. 

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